Liquidity (Paid by the AIPG team)
Total USDT Donated: $0.00
Goal: USDT $60000.00
🌐 USDT Donation Addresses:
ERC20 or BEP20 or Polygon: 0x046dF4f068e939E9c02955c57e108F8374215F98
TRC20: TLb5XRfvLdgzwdNDYfg9Qq3ALsP5A29wDQ
Solana: CVhaxEJAYAEzNjhDxigzYgLfzLDkBDsk4oKk9szq5w1y
Marketing and Integration Fee: $10K USDT
Kickstarter (Airdrop Campaigns): $50K USDT. The USDT and tokens will be fully distributed to users. The number of participants is 50k-80k (~ $0.5 - $1 per user)
For liquidity, MEXC requires $30K USDT + $30K worth of $AIPG for the liquidity pool. The AIPG team will cover this full amount.
Project party must prepare their own Market Making team before the listing date. These are additional costs not currently accounted for.